Sunday, February 9, 2014

Keep Moving Forward

         What do you do when you enter a race that has no defined finish line or time limit, but is full of obstacles?  What happens when you hit a point where the pain becomes unbearable?  Do you keep moving forward in hopes that the pain will go away, or that you will get to the finish line? Do you just keep running until you collapse?  Do you accept failure, and give up?  It seems like the logical decision in this situation is to give up.  Just stop.  The pain will go away quicker that way. Better yet, do not even start...
            I say run as far and as hard as you can until the pain goes away, or you collapse.   If you do collapse, keep moving forward until you cannot move anymore.  Know that you did not fail, for there was no finish line, and there was no time limit.  Take this a lesson learned.  You found out what you were made of, your true potential.  You found out how far you can push yourself.  You earned character, and you know what the meaning of perseverance is.  These are lessons that the person who gave up will never know.  Eventually the pain will subside, and you will be able to get back on your feet.  When you do, you will be stronger and wiser.
Keep Moving Forward and you will never fail.

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